Grandma bruschetta
Le Bruschette sono fette di pane abbrustolito condite perlopiù con aglio strofinato, olio e sale, ma anche con pomodoro fresco e innumerevoli varianti proposte dalla gastronomia attuale.
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Bruschetta is a slice of toasted bread mostly seasoned with rubbed garlic, oil and salt, but also with fresh tomatoes and countless variations proposed by the current gastronomy.
Our durum wheat bread of Altamura, in Puglia, has ancient traditions regarding the eating of bruschetta: bread kept by farmers was toasted on the embers and seasoned as refreshing lunch during the hard work in the fields; it was, and still is, a great quick snack and cheap anytime: before starting a lunch, you can eat it as a snack or light dinner, during a barbecue or in any way you like.
Ingredients: re-milled semolina flour, brewer’s yeast, milk, olive oil, water, salt.
Package: kg 0.3
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